Our educational initiatives were created to improve the overall systems in the village of Buena Vista, one student at a time. Our hope is to point each student to Jesus as we meet their need for education. The onsite programs at DeepStream consist of...
CEDS (Centro Educativo DeepStream) is a sponsor based program. Every student, from youngest to oldest, is partnered with a sponsor family. The sponsorship pays for books, uniforms, supplies ,technology support, and teacher’s salaries and covers about 85% of their year, while students families are required to do their part and invest the rest.
If you are interested in sponsoring a student, please contact Mark Schmidt at deepstreamglobal@gmail.com
We love our little ones. We have 32 children from age 5-6 years this year. Our preschool allows us to pour a solid foundation in their lives and it is providing us with another opportunity to serve their families and the community and offer a higher level to each child.
This year 2025 at CEDS we will have 110 children in our primary school program. We are so excited as this vision has expanded each year. The progress we are seeing in these young lives, will set them up for very bright futures - in every area of their life.
It has been so wonderful to offer a higher level of education to the village of Buena Vista. At this level we are able to go deeper into their spiritual development as well as touch on the other crucial areas of life - mental, social and physical. We are so thankful for the privilege to invest in these amazing young people each year.
We are moving into our 13th year of hosting the INEB Basico Program in our building. This program is Buena Vista's public school and we have the privilege to help steer and offer assistance where possible. We currently have around 50 students studying in 7th thru 9th grades.
We are happy to continue collaborating with Guatemala's ministry of education in providing a home and resources for better education. If you would like to help this program through "general fund donation", every $250 donation helps fund a student for the year (daily snack, teacher help and resources)