Buena Vista, Guatemala (BV). We call it our village. It's our home. It is a poor, small, seemingly forgotten, bottom-of-the-barrel kind of place, and aside from the great views there is not much appeal to it. We were drawn to stay here by the great need. The people can be a bit calous at first meeting, sometimes rude or demanding, but when you see how they are really only looking for hope, for someone to help with any physical, emotional, spiritual, mental need they have, compassion washes away the outer shell.
There have been times over the past 8 1/2 years where we've heard locals discourage the decision to live in and focus on the village of BV. Comments like "they will steal from you" "they are hard and rude" have only served to confirm that this is the place where Jesus would live, serve, and love.
The more time we've spent with the people of Buena Vista we see a hope that exists in the eyes of many. Working with the younger generation we see potential bursting at the seams, just waiting to be harnassed and used for God's purpose. DeepStream Ministries is committed to seeing the next generation changed for Christ, through various education and health initiatives.